9pm Show - Dotsun Moon CD Release Party

Sat, April 2, 2011 9:00 PM

Dotsun Moon will start the night with a dinner hour set at 9pm.  But at 10pm prepare to feel the full power that is Dotsun Moon!

Dotsun Moon is steadily becoming a staple in Buffalo’s indie scene. The band is a master of understanding and restraint, knowing when to embrace minimalism while also realizing when the time is right to let the roof fall. Their self proclaimed label—”dream beat/noir”—couldn’t be more accurate. Fans of Portishead, Massive Attack, and Cocteau Twins should take note. Dotsun Moon combines elements of early trip-hop, 90’s era shoegaze, and a post-punk edge capped with the haunting sincerity of singer Mary O.’s vocal delivery. These are sounds that would fit nicely paired with a black and white art-house flick. - Artvoice, v9 n10.

More info.